Barnwood Chic

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baker buzzing with activity

 We served breakfast and lunch in the community center for the Snake Valley Water
Festival.  I didn't get alot of pictures because I was busy with food, but I did get some of the parade.
 Andy Fergusons jeep (gray one) and Ben Roberts jeep (brown one)
 Caleb Baker driving this hay hauler
 Daisy Gonders truck
 The US Mint is doing an America the Beautiful series.  Great Basin National Park was selected to be
the Nevada park.  Three people from the Mint came out to help with the event.
 Maintenance setting up the platform.
 Debbie and Ron practicing the coin pour
 Kiah Conrad doing a fantastic job of singing "God Bless the USA"
Steve, GRBA Superintendent and Ron, Senior Advisor for the US Mint
doing the actual coin pour.
The First National Bank of Ely was able to be the bank to bring the quarters.  Susan Wetmore was an
assistant teller for the day.  John has turned the management of the bank to his daughter Katie.

Overall, it was a very fun day and I'm glad that I was able to be a part of the activities. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013


 I dug up these barrel cactus a couple of years ago.  Last year they tried to bloom, but ended up freezing.

 Patches thought that she was a flower too.
 They've opened up all the way today.  Very pretty!