Beulah has wanted to hike to the wave by Kanab for sometime. It is a permit only hike with a lottery to boot! You can reserve 10 spots per day over the internet and then they allow 10 permits per day to be purchased over the counter if you are the lucky one. Beulah and Charice went to Kanab on Tuesday to put our names in the hat for Wednesday. Alas, we got one permit. Beulah didn't want to go by herself, so they put our names in the hat for another hike and we were able to all do the Buckskin gulch. This gulch is the longest gulch in the world (some say). It was very pretty! There was a couple of times like the part above where I started to freak out at the enclosed space, and had to give myself a pep talk that the walls weren't going to fall in on me and the sky was clear and we wouldn't have a flash flood. I'm glad I didn't opt for hiking on higher ground and not go through the narrows. We will definitely go here again. We are going to try to get permits for the wave again, though they say it is very hard to get them.

The batteries in my camera were dying and I had forgotten to replace them. Hence, I didn't get real good pictures and I used every ounce of juice the batteries had, before I had to quit taking pictures. But...Steve and Beulah made up for any pictures I didn't get to take. :-)

When I got home I looked at some internet sites of where we had been and everyone warned of rattlesnakes. Thankfully, we didn't see any. Thats all I would have needed...to be in the narrowest part and see a rattler. I think they could have buried me right there.
Well, that's too bad you didn't get to go through the one you wanted to, but the one you did go to is cool. I would die too if I were in a tight space like that AND then saw a rattlesnake too! Ay yi yi yi! ☺